
[Okinawa Start-up Entrepreneur Story] Vincent’s Bike Shop Okinawa

[Okinawa Start-up Entrepreneur Story]
Vol.2 Vincent Thomson – Vincent’s Bike Shop Okinawa

Vincent Thomson shares us his experience in opening his own business in Okinawa and his passion.

The First Pedal – Passion on Bicycle and Salvaging

Q. Can you explain why you wanted to start a business? It’s kind of a long story. But I’ve always been independent. And I’ve always been interested in salvage. So this particular business was a combination of my work history, which is working in salvaging buildings mostly. And my interest in bicycles that started when I did a bicycle trip in America, that was pretty far and then also coming out here and working, like volunteering to work on the bases at places that rented bikes. So, you kind of combine the two ideas together into this business idea.


 Q. When did you started to think about starting the business?

I’ve always wanted to have a business. When I first started to work, I kind of started working for myself because I lived in a small town and the choices were pretty slim, so anyone who wants to get ahead, wants to kind of grow their life has to start a business. And most of what I did was just repairing, you know, working on houses and fixing small things at people’s houses like handyman. So, I’d say when I was about 18, I started working. I’ve always had the idea of starting my own business.  

Starting Business in Okinawa

Q. why did you choose to do business in here Okinawa?

The main reason is because I was getting out of the military and I could either choose to work for someone else, or it could work for myself. And I was very passionate about bicycles at that time. So, I took a chance and I wanted to try and see if I could start a bicycle shop. (Also marriage?) Yeah, it is very important. My wife played a really important role. When I got out of the military, I got married my girlfriend at the time, and she was really supportive and helpful in starting the business. In Japan, it is difficult to start business as a foreigner. However, with her help, I was able to register the business and do all the paperwork to get this going.  


Q. What kind of problem did you face  when you start the business here in Okinawa?

There were several problems. One was finding a good location. If you know what kind of business you want to do, it’s hard to find a place to do it. And the language barrier is really big because it’s difficult to learn how to read and write Japanese fluently, even if you learn how to speak it fluently. So, a lot of the companies and the suppliers that I work with require someone who speaks and writes fluently in order to have an account and my wife has to help me with that. Those are always difficult and maybe probably impossible if my wife wasn’t helping me.

Growing The Business

Q. Could you explain your experience from beginning of your business to growing your business?

Well, the first process is to have a really good group of friends and support network. And of course, you (our staff) have been very helpful too. I think you helped me register the business. (Oh, yeah, we went to the office together.) Yeah, yeah, that was the first step actually. My wife didn’t even know what to do at that time. And because you helped me with that, I was able to figure out the rest of the steps. So having somebody who already has a business here could can sort of mentor. Those supporters plays probably the most important part because that sets you in the right direction. After that, you have to keep talking to people who have businesses and who know the laws, so they can tell you what to do next. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know. You might be selling something and realize, you know, when it’s too late that you needed a license or such. So having a strong network of friends who are supportive and also know how to do the kind of business that you want to do is really important. I would say that’s the most important and the biggest step, apart from obvious things like having money saved and knowing how to succeed in that particular business. (Yeah, I also remember that. I think we talked about getting the license of selling the used stuff.) Yeah, you helped me with the first step and that was the most important for sure.  

Advices for Those Who Wants to Start Own Business in Okinawa

Q. Is there any advice for foreigners who wants to start a business in Okinawa? 

I would say that persistence is probably the most important thing. It’s really general advice, but if you keep working towards a goal, you’ll eventually reach it. So the most discouraging thing for starting the business has been the paperwork, how complicated the legalities are. I would say, if someone comes into the Lagoon Koza asking for help, then just keep coming back until they achieve what they’re going to achieve, and then be persistent. Like when they leave with a list of things to do to be persistent and achieving that, so that they come back prepared for the next visit. And that persistence is the only way to get through at all. But also, I couldn’t have even succeeded, being persistent if I didn’t have a good support network. So, you know you’ve been really helpful and my wife has been really helpful. And even if I was persistent, without that help, I wouldn’t have been able to succeed in anything very well. So, I would say persistence and a strong knowledgeable network of support is the most important two things. 


Q. What kind of advice would you give to yourself four years ago?

I took a lot of risks I had. I had reasons to believe I would fail. But I did it anyway. And I’m really glad I did. So I wouldn’t have changed anything. And you have to take risks to succeed as long as you’re determined and you know what you’re doing. Only you can really know what you’re doing. I mean, it’s up to you to decide if the risks are worth taking. But if you really want to do something, and you’re confident that you can achieve it, as long as you’re persistent, then take the risks. And it depends on the person, but that’s what I would tell myself, because I knew I could. And I’m really glad that I took the risk. But I mean, I would be careful telling that to some people who might take too many risks. But for me, personally, that’s what I would say to encourage myself to just do what I was planning to do anyway. Just push forward because you will achieve if you keep being persistent eventually.  

The Last Big Question – Next Step

Q. What’s your next goal?  What would you see in your next four years?

My goal has always been to be successful and stable. I want to build something solid that lasts.  And I would keep adding and keep adding value to my product. So my product in next four years will hopefully not changed. It’ll look the same, but it will just keep getting better, slowly getting better. That’s my goal. Four years from now, I hope to have people working for me that do some of the time consuming things that I do, so that I can keep adding features to my product. And I can keep adding, keep expanding my market. For example, my product, even though I sell bicycles, I found that I can open up my own niche market by selling the service that surrounds that product and perfecting it. Perfecting the service, and just including the product that really opens up the market. That’s hard to reproduce, it’s hard to compete with, as opposed to just selling bikes and the services, so personality driven that there’s really no risk of someone competing with me. And that’s what I would expand as the service. I would just keep adding to the service so that the bike I sell becomes even more valuable and more unique.

Vincent’s Bike Shop Okinawa

Location: 1 Chome-16-13 Chūō, Okinawa-shi, Okinawa-ken 904-0004

Website: https://www.vincentsbikeshop.com/

Blog: https://vinneymutsulife.ti-da.net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Bicycle-Shop/Vincents-Bike-Shop-Okinawa-300208230838321/

Our Local Business Start-up Support Program

Start up Lab Lagoon provides a start-up support program for those who wish to start a business in Okinawa. Please consult with us to figure out steps to open up your business, and we will support you through the process. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at info[at]lagoon-koza.com


2020年7月2日ニュース イベントレポート

【開催報告】「こ」の時代のサバイバル:Hello! New Normal #はろまる

Hello! New Normal 、テーマ企画第2弾は、「こ」の時代のサバイバルと題し、










【「非目的型購買」を促進する、商品探しのメディアを】 EC-GAIN:村田薫氏

選択肢が多様になったことは嬉しいですが、商品の「探し疲れ」を経験している人も多いとのこと。そこで、専門家が勧める優れた商品を購入できる=ウェブ上のセレクトショップ を展開するのが「Temite」のサービスです。






















(村田)「すでに雑誌など情報が取れる場所はたくさんある。 これらをマッピングしてみたと考えたとき、縦軸が有益性の広さ、横軸が収益だとおくと、その関係は比例する(沢山の人にとって有益な情報源の収益性は高くなる、一方でコストは高くなる)。有益性の広さの小さなところで収益をあげられるのは、パーソナライズするところだと考えている。なので、temiteでもリクエスト機能などを実装して、一個人にとって有益かもしれないが、確実な価値を提供できるシステムにしていきたい。地道に目の前にいる人の課題を解決するというのがひとつの戦略になるだろう。」








Amply  https://amply.jp
Temite https://temite.jp


2020年6月29日飲食 English

[Okinawa Start-up Entrepreneur Story] – Story of El Santo Fry Shoppe, Mark Inocentes

[Okinawa Start-up Entrepreneur Story]Vol.1 Mark Inocentes – El Santo Fry Shoppe

We interviewed Mark Inocentes and his partner Nanase from “El Santo Fry Shoppe” about their experience in opening new business.

Thinking about starting a new business in Okinawa

Q. Have you been familiar with Koza / Okinawa area? 

Mark) I started visiting Koza, Okinawa around 2017. Since we host house dance events and dance school, that led us to visit  Galaxy (dance studio) for the first time, and we were introduced to RJ’s Social form around February 2018. 

Q. When did you learn about Lagoon’s program? 

Mark) As I continue to do dance events, the owner of RJ’s Social asked me “why don’t you give it a try to serve your Carnitas potatoes in the events that you always saying that you will do it someday for sure?” 

Then, when I was actually serving the Carnitas potatoes at the event, Toyosato-san from Lagoon walked by and actually tried them. He was so delighted when he ate it, and introduced me to the program at that night. 

Nanase) Immediately after that, we had a discussion at home and I said, “You should definitely do it!” I strongly supported him. Because I felt that it was a great chance for him to achieve what he always wanted to do. 

Mark) I thought I would not understand how it actually is without doing, so I thought it would be a good experience for me to be able to test a lot. 

Q. In fact, immediately after joining the program, all the facility staff became fans of your potatoes. 

Mark) It’s a good memory that I needed serve multiple portions on a big plate instead of a small takeaway container since everyone asks all at once.

Things Learned – from participating in the program

Q. You’ve made great improvements as you participated in the program. Not only the products themselves, but also how you present your products and stores. 

Mark) After all, when I tried it, I realized things like “I have to give a more easy-to-understand guidance,” or “There should be non-spicy options for families,” and so on. So I continued to improve my ideas according to the reaction of the customers. 

Q. When did you started to think that you want to do food business? 

Mark) I’ve always loved to cook, and I’m still working in the American Military Base cooking school lunch for middle school. I cook 200 meals a day!

I wanted to be a chef since high school. I’ve loved eating since I was little. Thus, my passion to food and starting my own business guided me to start thinking about doing the food business. 

I also love the movie “Chef”, and I am deeply in love with the way how food trucks offers, and it fits my world view that I want to make, so I am currently preparing for operating a food truck. 

(Nanase) Everyone in the family is supporting Marc, and our 6-year old daughter even asks “When you will start El Santo? I want to help the shop!” She is waiting with such excitement!

Marc is currently preparing for a food truck and gaining experience by selling in events, while actively improving products and promoting the store on SNS. 

We dearly look forward to see his success!
(Interview: Hidaka, Shimabukuro)

El Santo Fry Shoppe

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elsantofries/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elsantofryshoppe/

Our Food Business Start-up Support Program

Start up Lab Lagoon provides a start-up support program for those who wish to start a food business with the trial kitchen in the facility. Before the actual opening, you can gain the essential experience such as product development, operation management, and public relations/advertisements. Start small, and build experience by obtaining a business permit while actually selling you product in the trial kitchen. 

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at info[at]lagoon-koza.com


2020年6月16日ニュース ローカルビジネス

【豪華共催陣紹介!】Hello! New Normal 第1弾企画

with/after コロナ時代の新たな挑戦を応援する、
Lagoonの新企画シリーズ【Hello! New Normal】




● うむさんラボ

「うむさんラボ」は、豊かさを分かち合える逞しくて優しい経済の 循環を生み出すことで、自然とひと、人とひととが ありのままでともにある社会を創造し、それらを未来に引き継いでいくことを目指すラボラトリー(研究所)です。


● Ryukyu Frogs/LEAP DAY




様々な分野で活躍している人が沖縄に集まり、日本から世界中に想いを発信する日、それが「LEAPDAY」です。LEAPは、飛ぶ、跳ねるという意味ですが、アポロ11号が月面着陸した際に、人類の大きな一歩という表現で使われた言葉です。それらの意味をくみ取り「大きな飛躍をする日=LEAP DAY」と名付け、沖縄からイノベーションを発信していくイベントとして2013年から進化を重ねてきました。

テクノロジーの発展と共に変化していく社会で、生き方や働き方、教育のあり方自体も変化していく必要があります。「LEAP DAY」は、その変化の流れに身を任せるのではなく、自らの手でその変化を創り出していくために、私たちはどのような行動を起こせばいいのかということを考えるきっかけの場でもあります。

● ISCO(沖縄ITイノベーション戦略センター)




IT社会が訪れる中でプログラミングを学習したいと考えている方も多いはず。 しかし、一人ではなかなか続かない…そんな方に向けて、「TOMONI」はマンツーマンでプログラミング学習をサポートするサービスです。エンジニアコーチがメンターとしてあなたに電話を掛けることで、定期的に学びをチェック。​ わからないで止まる、惰性で止まる、など初学者が陥りがちなつまづきを防止します。 メンターとの会話は、認知心理学に基づいて設計されているのが特徴。次にやるべき事がクリアとなり、高効率でモチベーションの高い学びを提供します。


● Beyond Okinawa

Beyond Okinawaは、県内外で活動する学生や若手社会人が所属し、勉強会や交流会を定期的に行っているグループです。人と人とが繋がり、助け合い、無限に可能性が広がっていく。そんな場を「Beyond Okinawa」は目指しています。「Beyond Okinawa」の”Beyond”には、沖縄を飛び出し世界中で世代や地域、文化を超えた繋がりを大切にしたい、そんな想いが込められています。

● 沖縄やーぐまいプロジェクト




【2020/6/5開催!】Hello! New Normal キックオフイベント

Hello! New Normal始動



ファウストビート株式会社 代表取締役

人事系コンサルや複数のベンチャー企業での事業立ち上げ経験を生かしMOVIDA JAPAN社にてスタートアップ支援を5期で約50社に対して実施する。その後ミスルトゥ社においても複数のスタートアップ企業を支援した実績を重ねる。現在、ファウストビート株式会社の代表取締役として、主にスタートアップ&ベンチャー企業へのメンター&コンサルティングを行うとともに、事業リノベーション、事業会社の新規事業開発を支援している。

山崎暁(Frogs/Leap Day)
下地邦拓(Beyond Okinawa)

19:00-19:10 Hello New Normal企画の説明(石垣、柴田)
19:30-19:50 パネルによる話題提供
19:50-20:15 ブレイクアウトセッション:
問い「あなたのNEW NORMAL」とは?
20:15-20:20 インタラクティブセッション報告
20:20-20:30 まとめ&次回連絡��











Hello! New Normalシリーズ




▶VCと読み解くagainst/with/afterコロナ時代 のトレンドの変化
▶元に戻るもの、戻らないもの、戻らざるべきもの… etc.





Hello! New Normalは6月本格始動!

